- Baby S-W (heretofore referred to as Chaz) is doing very, very well
- Chaz has a little nose and big feet
- Chaz is currently hanging out upside down
- Chaz has a great looking spine! (I was fascinated with the spine - way to go Baby S-W)
- If you don't want to find out the sex of the baby, the technician gets real quiet towards the end...
We are now past week 21...19ish to go. I have about 30,000 books to read, a condo to sell, a move to make, a house to buy...and I need a pedicure. Job stuff will come in time - thankfully we both have employment on the other side - we're just not sure when John's will begin.
We also took the time to do a baby registry...and I think registering for a baby was much more exhausting than wedding registry. At least with wedding registry- everything is a known quantity. You should get 10 placesettings...you need a few changes of good sheets...you shouldn't register for toilet paper. But with a baby - it is all brand spanking new. How many bottles do we need? No idea. What kind of stroller? Not sure. Anal or ear thermometer? Yikes. It's all so new and unfamiliar - very exhausting. We also decided to hold off on everything to give ourselves the chance for some Consumer Report research to pick the best car seat, stroller, baby bouncer seat, breast pump, et cetera. Good stuff.
The other observation we had is - babies get gendered assigned sooooo early. It seemed to me that once we know the sex - all choices are being made for you on what they'll like. No one waits to ask the baby what they want. Everything was either blue or pink - and tons of baseballs for boys and butterflies for girls. Not really that many choices for the "we're not finding out" crowd. Don't get me wrong - we love green and yellow...it just limits your options. Though, I can't say if we knew the sex we'd have a different set of clothing or bedding - John isn't thrilled with the sports bedding/clothing motifs and I've never been a big butterfly person. Ah well.
Also, little Chaz has started to kick. It's not a really obvious feeling. More of a displaced digestion feeling...at first it is unsettling but I'm getting used to a few kicks every couple hours. Usually at 6pm at work when Chaz is thinking "let's go home" or after meals that have garlic. Chaz is currently saying hi...probably poking me to go make dinner. Good idea, Chaz, good idea.