Tuesday, January 1, 2008


HAPPY 2008!

It's been a fun winter season - with plenty of time at home and with family. We've had a Thanksgiving feast, a Christmas party, a Drake alumni event, a Christmas in Chicago, a "tweener" weekend in Wisconsin and a very relaxed welcome to 2008. Looking back on the past month+ of activity - it feels like one big extended return to childhood. Ok, childhood with a few perks...but it has been a fun month. I'm sad to see it end as it has been a very happy time for me and the family.

Here are some pictures chronicling our adventures.

Our work "Holiday" Party. Ole!

Drake Alumni Event...Sara and Stephanie came in for the weekend
- and we enjoyed a really fun dinner and comedy event. However -
the best part of the weekend was seeing my Drake girls. (note: Sara left Des Moines to come to Chicago for a Drake alumni event...there was no end to jokes about that).

If this doesn't capture "laid back Christmas" (carhart's and a santa's hat)...I don't know what does.

Wisconsin...how we love you. In our trek up to Wisconsin, we were able got to see John's ma and pa, as well as spending time with John's cousin Jim, his sons Jeff & Carl, his lovely grandma Lorraine, the always engaging Uncle Bob and his incredible hostess of an aunt Ann. I wish there would have been more time for snowshoeing and snowshoes... but alas we have to return to the world of being an adult. One of the best experiences was having Tycho off leash and enjoying the big wide world, without leaving us too far behind.

Here is a shot of me in Natarajasana (Dancer pose). I can't explain how balanced, free and strong I feel in this pose - and I hope to carry this feeling with me throughout 2008. Balancing in snowshoes was pretty fun.

Here is little Tycho, pooped after so much snow and running.

And, while no photos were taken this morning, we had an awesome laugh-fest of a brunch with the lovely, charming and beautiful Chandra & Venus. Life is made so much richer having these wonderful women in our life.

So - again, I wish everyone a very happy 2008. May this new year be filled with love, life, strength and joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh love the pics - happy new year!