Monday, August 4, 2008

It's about that time...

I am sitting on my couch and I am actively practicing denial. I'll be gone from Chicago in three short days. There is so much I have yet to do and see and explore here...and sadly those adventures will have to wait until I visit my adopted hometown again.

On the bright side- this has been a great last few weeks in Chicago. My mom has been here visiting for over a week now - she was here taking care of me while John was in Colorado. It's been lovely having her here - and it illustrates how much I need to find a wife to take care of John and myself. I saw a couple plays - including Superior Donuts at the Steppenwolf. I can't say enough good things about that show. The weather has been pretty good, work wasn't bad...all in all it's been a good time. And now I have to leave.

This past weekend a handful of my friends threw me a baby shower. A huge thank you to Chandra, Patricia, Steffie, Jackie and Betsey! We had a great turn out - though I missed everyone who wasn't able to be here. We received many lovely and heartfelt gifts including three handmade blankets, lots of clothing, books galore and the best breast pump ever. :) I can't wait to use them all with Chaz. It was overwhelming how much love was swirling in the room with us...I had a wonderful time. That evening we had a going away party - also a wonderful time had by all.

I have tons more details to type...but sadly and scarily - the movers just showed up. Yikes yikes yikes.

Please keep all of us in your thoughts and prayers!!!

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