Friday, August 8, 2008

Just a couple things are stressin' me out

We are in Colorado. Exhausted but in relatively good spirits...considering our adventures in the past 24/48 hours. I'm still on Chicago time and I only have 5,000,000 things to think about right now...

The final days spent in Chicago were so wonderful and bittersweet. I watched all of our stuff get handled and packed - very strange to have all of our stuff there with us and yet not be able to use or touch any of it. It was heartbreaking to leave the city. We packed up our remaining items on Wednesday morning, did a final walk through (or 12) through the condo, saw Venus and almost lost it completely...and then we drove from our place down to the Robie House and then back up out of the city. I am pretty sure I'm dehydrated from the crying...and I'm still in disbelief that I won't be jaunting around Chicagoland within a couple days.

We arrived safely in Colorado with no incidents. Sadly, though, last night my iPod looked REALLY good to someone who was walking by our car on my parent's they broke in and grabbed it. So - now this morning John and Dad took the Volvo to a glass place to fix the broken driver-side window before we head up to Longmont this afternoon. It was strangely reminiscent of my 1st night in Chicago - my first and only break in while I lived in Chicago. 8 years and one burglary...not so bad odds. I guess it was a good reminder that crime lurks even in the relative saftey of Colorado Springs. Ah well.

And then...this morning...Tycho saw an open door to the free world- and went leaping outside. This led to about 15 minutes of agonizing stress (that felt like an hour) for all of us humans as Tycho thought we were all playing the best game in the world - keep away from Mom and Dad. John followed him as he sprinted around my parent's neighborhood. He gave me quite a good scare...and I want to beat him mercilessly...but know that won't help anything. So- we now know that Tycho is a flight risk with the door open. And I'm a bit more dehydrated after the scare that he gave me. What a friggin jerk. Lesson learned - Tycho will be spending a lot of time on the leash and in the crate during our move-in process in Longmont.

Lastly- the house. It looks like we've come to an agreement with the seller. This was only after the seller refused our counter and basically said we were making stuff up to get a credit, offered us $1000 to mitigate about $20k in home repairs, relisted the house as "Active" while we were still UNDER CONTRACT...but it looks like they are finally realizing we weren't BS-ing them and they're ready to move. We should close on the 14th assuming there are no other dramas to speak of.

So- there are a few things stressing me out right now. I still need to figure out issues regarding staffing, driving, hospital & midwife. I am hoping that we've had our adventures and now we can settle into some peace and quiet while we finish closing, moving and getting to know our new home.

Please, please, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers at this time. While we're's been pretty stressful and crazy. We truly appreciate all of your thoughts and good energy right now - we can certainly use it.

Much love,
Kimberly (& John) (& Chaz) (& the pooches)

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